A clone of the website writeordie.com, because the original went down and my mom requested that I make a new version for her to use. When you stop typing, the page will start to turn red, then if you don't start typing it will begin deleting your text.

How to Use:

  1. In the "warning time" box, write how long you want it to take for the app to start deleting your text, in seconds.
  2. In the "time between deletions" box, write how often a character is deleted once deletion starts, in seconds.
  3. Once you've filled both of those boxes out, click the start button and begin writing!
  4. The start button will then turn into a pause button, which you can press if you need the app to stop deleting your text for a while.
  5. When you close the tab, your preferences and writing should be automatically saved.
AuthorTVF Labs
Made withGodot
TagsGodot, text-editor, writing

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